BEFORE & AFTER: Luray Cabin, VA - renovation and decor

The goal here was to spend as little money as possible - reuse, recycle, go cheap! Larger windows were placed in the living area and front bedroom to take advantage of the STUNNING views. Two new windows were added flanking the fireplace. (Cuz why not??) Exterior was painted a custom dark blue created by Valerie. Kitchen cabinets were painted rather than replaced; new hardwood floors were installed. Dated wood paneling was whitewashed; fireplace bricks were “grey washed.” Previous master bedroom was turned into a kids bedroom so parents could enjoy the better view in the smaller, front bedroom. (Sorry, kids.) New deck was installed to eliminate risk of splinters; new deck fence/railing was installed to optimize view. Used hogwire rather than modern post and wire - huge price difference! Pictures are before and after of the same room, taken in roughly the same spot. Click on each image to see photo full frame.