BEFORE & AFTER: Woodley Park, DC - decor

This is an old project from 2007, back in my “earth-tones meets modern Morocco” days. But it was very cozy and turned out quite nice. Little semi-detached row house in Woodley Park DC, fabulous location, just needed some updates to the interiors and some creative solutions to design flaws. The earth-tones-modern-with-touches-of-Morocco decor is all me; I got some help with the renovation ideas and execution from the peerless Christopher Barson. (He’s a fancy designer, y’all.) We took down the silly Greek columns in the living room and widened the arch. Put in much larger windows on either side of the fireplace; larger windows wherever possible is pretty much my calling card, as you can see from ALL my work. My other calling card? A banquette in every kitchen - see below with a custom triangle table. Installed a very clever door in the dining room (possibly my best idea ever) to access the powder room and stairs on the other side. Before that you had to go up a half flight of stairs and down a half flight to reach the powder bath from the main level - bizarre. My vanity would like to note that we had a gorgeous chandelier from Morrocco in the dining room but we took it down to save it before we listed the house. Ahem. We added a wall of closets in the master bedroom; oddly, the closet already ran the length of the wall, but you could only access it through one set of doors. People are weird. We gutted the hee-larious pink and green bathroom; that’s self-explanatory. Running out of money, I did a super cheap fix on the green and purple bath. Not amazing work but I left it in here to show what $300, a coat of paint and a carpet remnant can do to a duuuubious bathroom. Click on each image to see photo full frame.